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Iron Ons

3 Simple Tips To Iron-On Chenille Letter Patches

By January 26, 2023August 12th, 2024No Comments5 min read

Are you someone who played a sport in high school or college? If yes, then we know for a fact that your letterman jacket was your favorite piece of clothing. The pride and team spirit you felt when you and your teammates put on those varsity jackets, priceless! 

Even if you weren’t playing the sport yourself, you would have at least owned a sweatshirt with the initials of your favorite team on it. Seriously, nothing screams sportier than having chenille letter patches on your jacket or sweatshirt.

But you don’t get the impression that these patches are only for athletes or their fans. You can use them anywhere you want. From your bag to your keychain, chenille letter patches can add a little glamour to almost anything!

And now that you have your hands on your favorite customized chenille letter patches, it is time for you to learn how to iron them on. Don’t try just winging it, read our advice first so that you can finish your DIY project on a high note!

Should you use iron-on Chenille letter Patches?

In most cases, people would use chenille letter patches with heavier fabrics, such as sweatshirts, varsity jackets, bags, etc. Such materials can handle being exposed to heat. On the other hand, materials such as polyester can burn or lose their color because of the heat from the iron. Leather, which is a sturdy material, is also surprisingly very susceptible to heat damage. 

Secondly, we also think it is necessary to see what kind of object you are attaching the patch to. For example, if it is a hat, know that ironing on hats would be very difficult, no matter what the material of the hat is. 

For such materials and objects, sewing is the better application method. If you intend to sew the patch on, then there is no need to get iron on letter patches with heat-seal backing. So, make this assessment earlier in the design stage and save money! 

chenille letter patches

Ironing on Chenille letters Patches

Part 1: Arranging Your Materials

Ideally, you should be using an iron board, but if you don’t have one, you can make use of any flat, heat-resistant surface. 

Your base material

Spread your base material on the surface, making sure that the part where you place your chenille iron on letter patches, lies flat against the surface. But before you do this, it is better if you iron the material first to smooth out any wrinkles.

Can you spare a few more seconds? Great! Take out your lint roller and remove any fluff from your canvas.

Your chenille letter patches

Most people will have some idea of how they want to use their chenille letter patches during the design phase, but we recommend that you check the placement once you have the actual patch in your hands. If you are on a varsity team, then you can place your initials on the sleeves or front of your jacket while adorning the back of it with the team’s name.

Whatever placement you decide on, keep in mind that the adhesive side should be flat against the fabric, and the design should be facing you.

A piece of cotton cloth

Once you have arranged the patch on the base fabric, gently cover it with a thin piece of cotton cloth. This will give your chenille patch some protection from the heat so that it doesn’t burn or lose its color.

Part 2: Setting Your Iron

Now, for this part, some people recommend setting your iron to the highest temperature, but we think that this approach is too risky. 

You might end up damaging your patch and your fabric, or worse, you might end up burning yourself! So, first and foremost, and this goes without saying, be careful with that iron. Secondly, we recommend that you set your iron to medium heat, but hold it on the fabric for longer. And when we say long, we mean just enough time to melt the glue.

Part 3: Ironing on That Patch

Finally, it is show time!

With a steady hand, place the iron where you have placed your patch and hold it there for at least 15 seconds. If you are using a low heat setting, then you might have to hold it for 30 seconds. Keep in mind that the adhesive on the backing of your patch must completely melt before it can attach to the fabric. Once you are done with this side, flip it over and iron on the other side to make it even more secure. Once you are done with both sides, leave the patch to air dry. Afterward, hold the base vertically to see if the patch comes off or if it sticks.

Want to go the extra mile? Then, you should also sew your chenille letter patch to the base for additional security.

Order Chenille Letter Patches from Master’s Custom Patches

You want the chenille letters to look fluffy, not too rough, and strong enough to withstand washing. Premium quality is a must, otherwise, all this effort (and money) will go to waste.

But don’t worry, because Master’s Custom Patches is here to take away all your customized patch woes!

We will deliver high-quality, bespoke patches right to your doorstep. What’s more? You have complete creative control over the entire process, from the design to the colors, borders, and patch material! While we use our skills and cutting-edge technology to produce the personalized patch of your dreams!

Product Preferred Size
Hat Square/Circle Patch 2 inches