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Embroidery Patches

Using Custom Embroidered Emblems With Full Grace

By January 13, 2021August 12th, 2024No Comments2 min read
Custom Embroidered Masters Patches

How To Get A Full Use Of Embroidery Designed Custom Patches

Custom embroidered patches are a great way to be stylish and unique. Starting from a single color you can have multiple threads in a single customized patch. Plus, the variety and backing types let you stick beautiful patches jerseys, denim, jackets, and aprons. Meanwhile, they are a wonderful present for your company employees, sports team of organizational and giving a reward to your students. The most popular type of all, iron-on backing which is also known as plastic backing is easy to paste on fabric. However, uniform wearers like officers, cops, military personnel, and security guards use Velcro back patches. Master Patches is going to explore ways to use embroidery patches with full capacity and grace.

money boy sneaking money bag wearing glasses and cap

Name Patches For Employees

Custom name patches for employees comes first when you about an organization or company. They give you an easy understanding of your crew. Even a small coffee shop in town need name patches for staff, they look professional.

Personalized Patches For School

Custom made patches for school and student is not a new trend. They show off each kid with his responsibilities in the education center. It is obviously a great exposure sign to be organized among kids. Custom patches on school uniforms of students make them feel special for their assigned task during camping and other curriculum activities.

Custom Made Patches For Teams

Playing in a team is actually a collective effort. Meanwhile, you still need your unique recognition and your part to play. Custom number of patches on team jerseys do it all. Plus, event management can also present beautifully sewn embroidery patches to winners and runners up.

Personal Made Patches While Traveling

Traveling in a group needs you to go with a collective run. But you also need an individual identity in the know and unknown grouping. Personally made patches by masters patches give your luggage and identity. Moreover, you can use them on your jackets, skirts and even PVC made patches on shoes. Above all, if you are going to be a part of a motorcycle biker group, customized patches are must keep thing.

Masters Patches For Locations

Customer patches by MCP give you stand up tall among friends. Using patches for locations you can show off your traveling distances. Or, you can also give a unique way to your custom patches visited places of your group trip.

Make Your Each Moment Memorable With Masters Custom Patches

Product Preferred Size
Hat Square/Circle Patch 2 inches